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Our price list and terms & conditions

Our important terms and conditions. Please remember that once you have paid for the courses, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions. The rules must be followed by all students. 

Prices and terms and conditions for our educational services: 

The trial lesson is not provided. 

Refunds are not provided. You must complete the course in full if you have paid for it. If you cannot complete the course, you can present these lessons to your acquaintances, friends, and relatives or we can transfer the money to charity.

Zwrot pieniędzy nie jest zapewniony. Musisz ukończyć kurs w całości, jeśli za niego zapłaciłeś. Jeśli nie możesz ukończyć kursu, możesz przedstawić te lekcje swoim znajomym, przyjaciołom i krewnym lub możemy przekazać pieniądze na cele charytatywne.

WaΕΌna informacja:

Wszyscy nasi nauczyciele posiadajΔ… dyplomy uprawniajΔ…ce do nauczania jΔ™zykΓ³w obcych, uzyskali takΕΌe certyfikat CELTA uprawniajΔ…cy do nauczania jΔ™zykΓ³w obcych na caΕ‚ym Ε›wiecie, posiadajΔ… wieloletnie doΕ›wiadczenie w nauczaniu rΓ³ΕΌnych grup dorosΕ‚ych w rΓ³ΕΌnych krajach. Nie Ε›wiadczymy usΕ‚ug osobom poniΕΌej 18 roku ΕΌycia.
Uwaga! Szkoła ma prawo nagrywać lekcję w celu oceny jej jakości.

UWAGA! Jeśli uczeń opuści lekcję, zajęcia uznaje się za odbyte. Datę zajęć można zmienić na 24 godziny przed zajęciami.

Important information:

All our teachers have a certified diploma for teaching foreign languages, they have also obtained a CELTA certificate which gives them the right to teach foreign languages worldwide, they have many years of experience teaching various groups of adults in different countries. We do not provide services to people under 18.

Attention! The school has the right to record the lesson for quality evaluation. 

Group lessons (only if a group offer is available) 

  • English spoken course (8 lessons 60/90 minutes each in a month) – 130.00 EUR / payment is made for the entire course, 6 months
  • German spoken course (2 times a week 60/90 min.) – 150.00 EUR per month/ payment is made for the entire course, 6 months
If there are 2 people left in the group, then the tuition fee is equal to the cost of classes in a mini-group.

1-on-1 lessons, private lessons

 GERMAN, POLISH or UKRAINIAN for foreigners 

Translation services ENG-GER-RU-UA
60 min
20.00 EUR /60 min
25.00 EUR /60 min
12.00 EUR for 1,800 characters*
90 min
30.00 EUR /90 min
37.50 EUR /90 min
Interpretation - 22.00 EUR / 60 min **

**Interpretation: Advance payment for a minimum of 2 hours. Billing is 1 hour. Once you have paid for the classes, the pay cannot be returned. You will have to finish the course, or you can present the lessons as a gift to someone else, or donate the money to charity. 

payment is made for 10 lessons or 20 lessons in advance, validity period - 30 days from the date of payment, 30 lessons - 60 days

ATTENTION! If the student misses a lesson, then the class is considered to be held. You can change the date of the class to 24 hours before the class

Mini-groups of 2 or 3 people *

 GERMAN, POLISH, or UKRAINIAN for foreigners

Terms of payment 
60 min
  10.00 EUR /60 min
12.50 EUR /60min

Advance payment for 10/20/30 lessons
90 min
15.00 EUR /90 min
18.75 EUR /90 min
cash or bank transfer 

 * the price of the lesson is for one student in a group/ Der Unterrichtspreis gilt fΓΌr einen Teilnehmer in dieser Gruppe

ATTENTION! If the student fails to attend a lesson, the class is considered to be held. You can change the class date to 24 hours before the class

ACHTUNG! VersΓ€umt der SchΓΌler eine Unterrichtsstunde, gilt der Unterricht als abgehalten. Sie kΓΆnnen das Datum des Unterrichts auf 24 Stunden vor dem Unterricht Γ€ndern.

payment is made for 10 lessons or 20 lessons in advance, validity period - 30 days from the date of payment, 30 lessons - 60 days

* the service is provided only online/ 
Der Service wird ausschließlich online angeboten

Refunds are not provided. You must complete the course in full if you have paid for it. If you cannot complete the course, you can present these lessons to your acquaintances, friends, and relatives or we can transfer the money to charity.

Rückerstattungen sind nicht vorgesehen. Sie müssen den Kurs vollstÀndig absolvieren, wenn Sie ihn bezahlt haben. Wenn Sie den Kurs nicht abschließen kânnen, kânnen Sie diese Lektionen Ihren Bekannten, Freunden und Verwandten schenken oder wir überweisen das Geld an eine wohltÀtige Organisation.

Intensive Grammar Course in English

By expanding your knowledge you improve your skills. After all, knowledge of languages gives not only additional advantages but also helps to make new acquaintances and new friends. Nowadays, knowledge of a foreign language is an integral aspect of life, regardless of age, social status, and income level. Whoever you are - a pupil, student, worker, or head of a large company - mastering a foreign language allows you to make better use of your opportunities - you can live, travel, work, and study abroad. If your goal of learning English is to travel abroad, prepare for an exam, improve your foreign language skills at school, or university, prepare for an interview, and more, then you are in the right place at the right time! The teachers of the LIBERTY LANGUAGE SCHOOL will help you learn a foreign language in the shortest possible time.

Crash Course of the English grammar (16 lessons in a group of 4-6 people) - 170.00 EUR 

Corporate lessons for business:
  • 1 lesson – 30.00 EUR  (from a group of 1-10 people).*

* the service is provided only online

Once you have paid for the classes, the payment cannot be returned. You will have to finish the course or you can present the lessons as a gift to someone else, or donate the money to charity. 

Students get access to a private channel in Telegram for learning foreign languages.

Studierende erhalten Zugang zu einem privaten Kanal in Telegram, um Fremdsprachen zu lernen.


Billig bedeutet nicht immer hohe QualitΓ€t.
Die niedrigen Unterrichtskosten bedeuten, dass der Lehrer ein geringes Gehalt hat, was bedeutet, dass er nicht ausreichend qualifiziert ist.
Vertrauen Sie Ihre Ausbildung Profis an.
* Der Preis kann je nach Kursdauer, dem Lehrer, der den Kurs unterrichtet, der wirtschaftlichen Situation und aktuellen Aktionen variieren. Die genauen Kosten des Kurses werden Ihnen telefonisch mitgeteilt.


Tanie nie zawsze oznacza wysokΔ… jakoΕ›Δ‡.
Niskie koszty nauczania powodujΔ…, ΕΌe nauczyciel ma niskΔ… pensjΔ™, co oznacza, ΕΌe ​​nie ma on wystarczajΔ…cych kwalifikacji.
Powierz swoje szkolenie profesjonalistom.
*Cena może się różnić w zależności od czasu trwania kursu, nauczyciela prowadzącego kurs, sytuacji ekonomicznej i aktualnych promocji. Dokładny koszt kursu zostanie Państwu podany telefonicznie.


A cheap lesson does not always mean high quality.
The low cost of lessons means that the teacher has a low salary, which means that he is not sufficiently qualified.
Entrust your training to professionals.

* The price may vary depending on the duration of the course, the teacher who teaches the course, the economic situation, and current promotions. The exact cost of the course will be communicated to you by e-mail.


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How to contact us

Dear students, we have only a virtual office in Poland, so if you want to register for the courses, you need to send an e-mail to: . You can contact us only by E-MAIL.

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