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International EXAMS. Info about IELTS


IELTS (англ. International English Language Testing System) [pronounced - /ˈ.ɛlts/] — international system for assessing knowledge of the English language.

IELTS is an international test that tests your English language proficiency. With its help, your communication skills are assessed. To pass the IELTS test with a high score, you must first become familiar with the test structure, and its tasks. The right choice for the IELTS preparation courses is of great importance.

The IELTS certificate can be used for admission to educational institutions in many English-speaking countries. In addition, it is used for hiring in world-class companies with English as the language of communication. 

The IELTS exam is very popular due to its reliable system for determining the level of English language proficiency. IELTS is a test taken by applicants to educational institutions in English-speaking countries or future emigrants. The IELTS test checks all types of communication skills of a student. Like most similar tests, IELTS is divided into four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. All these types of communication are necessary for an objective assessment of the level of English language proficiency.


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