YouTube Channel for learners of English - "AudioBulb"
Welcome to our cannel AudioBulb!
We are a small group of fans of good music. We search and find and then share the music that we like, adding audiovisual effects for more pleasant perception of music. Our channel is dedicated not only to real music fans but also to all those willing to become singers. Our videos are great for karaoke as every video contains lyrics in it. So, let’s get started.
Also, learners of English can use our channel to improve their English by listening to contemporary music, singing and practicing their listening comprehension skills and pronunciation. Listening to music in English is a great way of building up your vocabulary.
If you are a good music promoter or composer and you need some tips on the graphics, you can contact us at our email address!
Contact us at:
Viel ⚡️Viele What is the difference in usage? Let's figure it out together. So, we use " viel " for the singular number (!) to denote a large volume. Most often used with real or abstract nouns. Beispiele: ◽️Heute habe ich viel Arbeit. - I have a lot of work today. ◽️Im Sommer hat er endlich viel Freizeit. - He finally has a lot of free time in the summer. ◽️Inge hat viel Neues gekauft. - Inga bought a lot of new things. Viele is used with plural nouns (!) when we can count them. You can use “many” and “ a lot of” in English. Beispiele: ◽️Zum Fest sind viele GΓ€ste gekommen. - A lot of guests came to the celebration. ◽️Im letzten Jahr wurden hier viele neue HΓ€user gebaut. - Many new houses have been built here over the past year. ◽️Heute bringt mir mein Freund viele spannende BΓΌcher. - Today my friend will bring me a lot of exciting books. ◽️Wie viele Tassen Kaffee trinkst du pro Tag? - How many cups of coffee do yo...
Aby zarejestrowaΔ siΔ na e-kurs, prosimy o wypeΕnienie formularza Google oraz wysΕanie wiadomoΕci za pomocΔ formularza kontaktowego, podajΔ c swΓ³j numer telefonu z WhatsApp, adres e-mail oraz swoje sugestie. Skontaktujemy siΔ z PaΕstwem drogΔ mailowΔ . Nasz adres e-mail to: KaΕΌda osoba moΕΌe skorzystaΔ tylko z jednego Groupona. Po wykorzystaniu Groupona oferujemy vouchery na platformie Buy Me a Coffee . PeΕny kurs trwa 7 miesiΔcy. Dla studentΓ³w z Polski mamy tΔ ofertΔ . JeΕΌeli kursant nie stawi siΔ na zajΔcia i nie poinformuje szkoΕy o swojej nieobecnoΕci, lekcja jest uznawana za odbytΔ . W przypadku czΔstych nieobecnoΕci kursanta, pakiet moΕΌe zostaΔ anulowany z woli szkoΕy, a pieniΔ dze nie zostanΔ zwrΓ³cone. JeΕΌeli kursant ma konflikt z nauczycielem i nie okazuje szacunku, pakiet zostanie anulowany, a pieniΔ dze nie zostanΔ zwrΓ³cone. MateriaΕy e-kursu sΔ wΕasnoΕciΔ intelektualnΔ nauczy...
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