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 "Alfaróme: Volper"


The author: RosPer

Reader’s note

"Alfaróme: VolPer"


What can you do when you have only two years left under the sun? You can, for instance, keep yourself to yourself and lose contact with reality. You can feel sorry for yourself all this remaining time and cry… But I decided to act completely differently: if you have just a few years to live, then why not enjoy yourself to the fullest? But how will I do that? It’s a piece of cake since there is a virtual reality in which I can run. And as I have found out, there is a new project being launched pretty soon, of which only scarce info is given in different sources.


"Are you fed up with elves, gnomes and other races from fantasy novels for teenagers? Sick and tired of reading about the medieval battles, and life in those dark times? Then, welcome to the Alfaróme! What is there in store for you? It’s a brand new game, in the genre of post-apocalypses cyberpunk, testing your endurance! And what else is there for you? That's top secret because any information can bring money and maybe you can make loads of money! "©

The only information is available on the official website of the game Alfaróme.

Well, I’d better go back to the good old days when I was young and fresh, especially taking into account my past, this kind of virtual world will be just perfect for me!


Beta-reader: Vladimir Pospelov

Illustrations and Pictures: Alexandra Tarko

Proof-reading: Angelika Tubelyaeva





The lid of the capsule slammed shut with a hissing sound, which meant it just cut my way back. This was the point of no return for me. I had thought over everything thoroughly and weighed all my options on hand, and finally arrived at the conclusion: there were simply no other options for me. I had to only go forward into a new unknown life, without the right to return to the old one. I found myself in complete darkness. It was a feeling of zero gravity in the darkness and I couldn’t feel my body at all. In the distance, a dim light started twinkling on the very edge of my consciousness. At first tiny specks of light, gradually began to light up with each and every second and, literally, just within a moment, it filled up my consciousness.


- Welcome to the world of Alfaróme! – I could hear a voice inside my head. - Collecting data from the capsule ... The data collection is over. The medical capsule number # ANV-734685-EK3573, without the right to disable its operation... Error! The request is being sent to the administration of the server ... An additional contract has been received. A brief excerpt from the contract: "Ignatenko Vladimir Alekseevich has signed an agreement with the Administration of the Alfaróme project and has agreed thereby to be permanently allocated on the servers belonging to the Administration, without a twelve-hour limit of the presence in the virtual reality, according to the Ministry of Health Decree No. 17554. The basis for the contract conclusion is a medical report issued in the name of Ignatenko Vladimir Alekseevich on his critical state of health due to his declining years. For the right to be on the servers of the project "Alfaróme", Ignatenko Vladimir waives the right to transfer the virtual currency of the game ​​into the real world currency, to get bonuses in the game for real money, and also pays for the right to play the game for twenty years in advance. "


-Do you confirm your choice?


- Press ‘Confirm’!


Well, there was no other way out! Despite the state-of-the-art level of the health care system and advances in medicine, being already a hundred and seven years, you start to understand that it’s hardly possible to live any longer. Doctors told me that I could go on for two years of real life, or five, well, maybe ten years at best, and I had to be permanently in a medical capsule. I have saved quite a large amount of money, but unfortunately, there’s no one I could bequeath this money to. I’m all by myself. Well, I am wrong to say that; I have quite a big family: grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who, of course, are proud of such a relative as me, but we don’t stay in touch anymore and hardly ever speak on the phone.

My wife died about twenty years ago, and my children also passed away due to their old age, but my grandchildren and great-grandchildren are alive and have their own families. And I myself decided to cut ties with them, so that they could live their lives, and not be disturbed by fogie who is living out his life in solitude. So I decided to immerse myself into virtual reality, so to speak, and let my hair down for the last time. And then I encountered a problem. According to the latest decrees of the Ministry of Health, staying in virtual reality is limited only to twelve hours, after which time you should be disconnected for at least four hours.

Although it is possible to divide this period into various time parts as you like and you should, for instance, for every hour of staying in the virtual reality, rest in reality for twenty minutes. I did not like that option as well, because I have to be in a capsule twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Having obtained all the necessary medical certificates, court decisions, and the conclusion of an agreement with a new but promising company and in the end, having a number of game restrictions, I’ve achieved my goal. In the meantime, I have also set a precedent, according to which, from now on, some terminally-ill patients can at least play games and enjoy themselves to the fullest. Okay, that is the history and now I’m returning to the present day.


- Do you want to start registering your character?

- Yes, I do.

- Choose how you will interact with the system: by means of voice, thoughts, gestures, or choose another option. Attention, if you choose another interaction option, you will need to manually configure the standard list of interaction commands.

- Select “interaction” by means of voice and mental commands.

- Confirm the choice of interaction with the system by using voice and mental commands!

- Confirm!

- Confirm your choice one more time mentally.


What an annoying artificial brain I have encountered here! Why should I confirm everything a million times?!



- Yes, I do confirm my choice! - I mentally turned to the system.

- Thank you for your choice! Please, choose how you would like to be notified by the system: by means of voice, texting, light signals, or custom settings. Attention: if you select the custom option for notifying you, you will need to manually configure the standard list of notification options.

- Select the notification by texting!

- Do you confirm your choice of being notified by the system through text messages?

- Confirm!


A short message flashed in front of my eyes:


Thank you for your choice! Select Your Character’s Name…


Here it is necessary to think over it carefully since it’s my name in the game and I’m being stuck in here for quite a long time. OK, we shall start:


- Vladimir

Name already in use

- Vova

Name already in use

- Vovka

Name already in use

- AlekseyiCH

Name already in use

- ...

- ...

- ...

- Pissed-off

Name already in use

"Is this one ALSO taken?"

Name already in use

- ...

- ...

- ...

- Stalker

Name already in use

- The Grandfather

Name already in use

- The old man

Name already in use


Damn it, but what can I choose?  This game has given me a really rough time while choosing the name - I have had difficulty coming up with the name for my character. Every time I came up with some damn thing, I got a message that it was already taken. But, how come?..



- VolPer

This name has not been taken! Would you like to choose this name for your character?

- Yeah, damn, I want it bad!!!


Congratulations, your character's name has been chosen and it’s VolPer! Do you want to change the character's age, or make it your real-life age?


                I will change my age for sure, but here’s a dilemma: how old am I supposed to be in the game? If I look back at my youth, then I can remember that I was in the prime of my life being between 25 and 35 years old. If you calculate the arithmetic mean, i. e. the sum of all of the numbers in a list divided by the number of items in that list, you’ll get thirty. But I do not like round figures, so we'll make my character a bit younger and, as a result, I’m sending a new mental command:


- Assign the age of twenty-eight years to my character.


The character is now twenty-eight years old!


Now, I could behold a three-dimensional model of my character which is surprisingly similar to me in my youth. He has got dark short hair, about a quarter of an inch long; dark, a little curved and very agile eyebrows; grey eyes with a slight tint of brown hue; straight nose slightly upturned at the end; small lips, curved in a smile, which characterizes me as a person who often smiles; and somewhat protruding chin. He is a really muscled man, but not too muscled. His height is almost six feet. There is nothing special about him; the new me looks like an average young man in his late twenties. Contemplation of myself in my youth was interrupted by a new message of the system that popped up in front of my eyes:


Choose the Character’s Race:

1. A Human Being

2. A Cyborg (initial implants are installed)

3. A Latent Mutant (changes are configured by genotype)

4. A Mutant (changes are adjusted by phenotype)


At this point I was frozen just like a computer: for the developers hadn’t mentioned a few races available. Damn! How can they conceal so much information? Of course, I agree with their statement: "In our world, even a piece of information is worth a lot of money". But they could have given at least a little more information. Okay, I won’t reflect on the matter any longer, I have to make a choice now. However, what is there to choose from? I do not want to be a mutant, that’s for sure! - I am strongly disgusted by them. Being a Cyborg is not my cup of tea, either: I don’t want to install any chips or metal parts into my body. My choice is obvious!


- Please, choose the Human Being.


Your choice has been accepted! Do you want to change the appearance of your character?


And then I found myself in the realm of engineering bioscience where each and every biologist would dream to be – everything is possible there. Do you want to change the colour of the skin, hair, eyes - any pigmentation that you can only wish for? Then, it is the place where you can possess a number of tools and you can do it yourself. You can change the shape of the eyes, face, or limbs. If you want, you can increase the number or change the looks of limbs and body parts, as well as replace them with almost any biological or mechanical analogs. Yes, it is possible; you could even change or adjust everything, from the looks to the nervous or blood-circulatory systems. But for me, almost all the settings of the character were marked with an inactive grey color, and when you look at any one of them, a message pops up:


The option not available for the Human Being


Okay, let's not think too much and leave everything as it is. After all, I've been living for so many years, so in the end, I'll be in my beloved body, without any changes done to it. It’s very important – I don’t have to get used to any changes.


- Finish configuration without any changes


Assign primary characteristics:


Strength - 5

Agility - 5

Endurance - 5

Perception - 5

Intelligence - 5

Reasoning power - 5

Luck - 5

Charisma - 5

The score of free features: 8


There are two buttons for each parameter: plus and minus (more or less). Clicking back and forth, I realised that you can not only increase, but also reduce the extent of your characteristics, thus adding or deducting additional free scores in the game. The problem was that I did not quite realize how each of the features is related to a certain parameter in this game. And I suppose choosing at random, relying on my idea of what all that implies, would be the wrong thing to do. There must be some explanation, because if there is no information on their official website, then there must be a way to get this precious information within the game ... Umm ... I gather I'm dumb. Before the game started loading, I made sure that the game has got a user-friendly interface. Having highlighted the Strength item with my eyes, I sent a mental command to the interface:




Strength is a direct indicator of the development of your muscle system within your body and is directly responsible for the maximum load, the force of the blow in close-in combat and the ability to use heavy weaponry or heavy personal body protection systems.



                Bingo! So, there is a way to determine what characteristics are needed for me, and which are less critical. I have only to decide what my character will be like. Well, let's continue studying the theoretical part first:


Agility is a direct indicator of the flexibility of your body and is directly responsible for jumping, rolling, fine movements and the ability to perform various martial art techniques that require flexibility.


Endurance is a direct indicator of the ability of your body to undergo prolonged periods of pressure and stress and is directly responsible for the gathering rate of exhaustion, resistance to pain, and enduring long-lasting negative effects.


Perception is a direct indicator of processing signals sent from external sources by your consciousness and is directly responsible for the quality of your eyesight, hearing, sensitivity to odours and sense of touch, as well as the ability to notice various small details of the world that surrounds you.


Intelligence is a direct indicator of the ability of your brain to perceive and remember information and is directly responsible for the speed of learning different skills, the rate at which you lose previously acquired skills, as well as the ability to process various chunks of information.



                I read the info on intellect three times before I realized that I was concerned about one thing. It was the part about losing previously acquired skills that bothered me. It turns out that you can lose some of your skills in the course of the game. That's just not clear to me what can cause this loss, and how fast the skills will be lost. Yes, damn it, it's not even clear how the intellect will affect the rate of loss: I wonder if the rate of loss will slow down or on the contrary increase with higher intellect power. So, what is the connection? Reflecting on this problem for so long can burn the shit out of you, and it will last for hours on end. Okay, I think it’s time to stop torturing myself and it’s no use scrambling my brains. I had better read descriptions of other characteristics.


Reasoning power is a direct indicator of the ability of your brain to interact with the outer world and is directly responsible for the volume of interactions being performed, the strength of resistance to the impact exerted on you and the strength of your mutual interaction.



          Fuck! Dear game developers, I have a question for you, well, what kind of a nerd wrote such brain-exploding texts? You have to read such texts many times and then you don’t understand this shit, so you keep on reading until you get it. Based on what I have read so far, the reasoning power appears to be responsible for something related to the power of thought and gaining control over it. So, we will encounter either different telepaths with psychokinetic powers or a wider range of types called "psionics". Okay, let's go further along with the text of the instruction.


The luck parameter is a direct indicator of how lucky you are!


Bwa-ha-ha... This is the most detailed description of the characteristics of all. Well, it became clear straight away after I read this! I have a feeling now that 90 % of online players diss the game developers.


Charisma is a direct indicator of your ability to engage your partner in communication and is directly responsible for the ability to quickly make everyone feel at ease while talking to you and your chance of getting more discounts in stores, getting rarer assignments or a higher reward for the completed tasks.


 Now I question myself: what shall I choose? Almost all the characteristics are important in the game, you won’t want to sacrifice anything, but you have to choose which parameters you need in the first place and which ones will be gained in the course of the game. At the time of doubt, reflecting on what I should choose, I thoughtlessly clicked on the cursor, adding and deducting points of each of the characteristics from one to ten, trying to arrive at the right decision. And my mind was telling me time and again that I was making mistakes and that something was incorrect in there, and that there was something extremely important that I was missing out on.


That’s how I was playing around: first, five points for good luck and three more for the reasoning power, and then reset all characteristics to the initial parameters and then four characteristics up to the maximum, which is ten, and four other characteristics – only one point each. STOP IT! And why can’t I assign all the points available for one feature? I can’t do that since ten is the maximum value for each category. But why?! What could be the reason for such a limit? Think, my dear brain, or I'll blow the shit out of my head! After all, there must be a reason for this restriction, although ... it cannot be so – I haven’t seen such a thing in any other games.


But the game developers mentioned in one of their interviews that they resorted to non-standard solutions in many features of this game, which cannot be found in any other game. So it is highly possible that the characteristics or features, or as most of them call the stats, cannot be increased with new levels. So, that means that ten units are the maximum value for the feature. Darn it! The bollocks!


Now most players are likely to choose six points for all the characteristics and they will get an average character, without any clearly expressive personality and special features. My heart is pounding, I can imagine, literally in a day or two, forums will be flooded with indignation in messages from players.


Realizing that the problem really exists, I almost immediately made up a roadmap for action. Maybe it’s not very correct, but it's the most appropriate choice for the style of the game that I'm going to use. In the end, I chose such parameters:


Strength - 5

Agility - 9

Endurance - 5

Perception - 9

Intelligence - 6

Reasoning power - 1

Luck - 8

Charisma - 5

The score of free features: 0


                After confirming my choice, the following message popped up in front of my eyes:


Congratulations! You’ve created a new character! Our servers boot in…






In just a little more than an hour my game starts. On the one hand, it is not very pleasant to hover in this emptiness with the timer in front of your eyes ticking; on the other hand, there is time to get thoughts together and solve the perennial question: what do I do next? First, you need to process the information available. So, in an hour I’m embarking on a long journey - a new game, accompanied by a crowd of frenzied gamers and we all will be exploring an unbeaten track. Hence, there are neither guidelines nor tips from experienced players. So, there will be a race to get new experiences and information about the virtual world surrounding us.

Should my assumption about points for the features be true, then there is no use trying to get as much experience as possible. Therefore, there are several primary tasks lying ahead of me. Firstly, I am to figure out what needs to be done in order to compete with other players successfully. Secondly, I should collect information about the world around me, as it was said before "He who owns the informationowns the world". Reflecting for so long, I didn’t even notice how I gradually dozed off for a while.

I regained consciousness when I heard the beep of the timer, which was counting down the last seconds before the boot:


Attention! The servers boot in …

0:00:06 sec…







The bright flash hurt my eyes. I barely managed to blink, as I saw a transparent spherical cover of the capsule in front of me. With a quiet hissing sound, the lid moved forward a little and opened up.


VolPer, welcome to Alfaróme!


I got out of my box carefully, not yet fully accustomed to a new body of mine, which, unlike my old one, did not ache from every movement. So I finally got out of the capsule that looked like one of cryofrost in sci-fi films, standing upright. I found myself in a rectangular-shaped room two by four meters, decorated with something like tiles of the colour of a sea wave mixed with algae. It was a dirty greenish colour with a slight hue of blue. My capsule was in one corner of the room, and opposite it, I noticed a rectangular-shaped door.


"Well, hi to you, Alfaróme, Here I am!"



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