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Showing posts from 2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!

Ladies and Gentlemen,  Dear students, Students-to-be and Their Parents,  Today, we celebrate a remarkable achievement—the success of our students at Liberty Language School. This moment is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to learning. To our students, you have shown incredible perseverance and determination. Learning a new language is no small feat; you have embraced this challenge enthusiastically and gracefully. Each of you has demonstrated not only the ability to master new vocabulary and grammar but also the courage to step out of your comfort zones and immerse yourselves in a new culture. Your journey has been filled with countless hours of study, practice, and sometimes frustration. Yet, you have persevered, and today, we celebrate the fruits of your labour. You have not only gained a new skill but also opened doors to new opportunities, friendships, and experiences. To the staff of Liberty Language School, your guidance, support, and ...

Świetna oferta noworoczna: lekcje angielskiego

DzieΕ„ dobry, mamy Ε›wietnΔ… ofertΔ™ noworocznΔ…  English Lessons  na stronie internetowej: Pakiet 3, 5, 10, 24, 36 lub 72 lekcje EN, DE/ 60 min. :   Package 3, 5, 10, 24, 36 or 72 Lessons EN, DE/ 60 min. Kod rabatowy 20 %, ktΓ³ry moΕΌna dodaΔ‡ przy kasie, da Ci wielkΔ… korzyΕ›Δ‡:  WAVX7RU  waΕΌny do:  Data zakoΕ„czenia - 31 grudnia 2024, 23:00 MiΕ‚ych lekcji  Dlaczego nie wysΕ‚aΔ‡ prezentu komuΕ›, kogo kochasz? Te bony przy kasie moΕΌna wysΕ‚aΔ‡ jako spersonalizowany prezent kaΕΌdemu. Ciesz siΔ™!

PoczΔ…tki i tradycje Halloween/ The Origins and Traditions of Halloween

  PoczΔ…tki i tradycje Halloween/  The Origins and Traditions of Halloween  Halloween, obchodzone corocznie 31 paΕΊdziernika, ma bogatΔ… historiΔ™ siΔ™gajΔ…cΔ… ponad 2000 lat. Jego poczΔ…tki moΕΌna odnaleΕΊΔ‡ w staroΕΌytnym celtyckim Ε›wiΔ™cie Samhain, ktΓ³re oznaczaΕ‚o koniec sezonu zbiorΓ³w i poczΔ…tek zimy. Celtowie wierzyli, ΕΌe w nocy 31 paΕΊdziernika granica miΔ™dzy ΕΌywymi a umarΕ‚ymi zaciera siΔ™, pozwalajΔ…c duchom powrΓ³ciΔ‡ na ziemiΔ™. Aby odpΔ™dziΔ‡ te duchy, ludzie rozpalali ogniska i nosili kostiumy. W VIII wieku papieΕΌ Grzegorz III wyznaczyΕ‚ 1 listopada jako DzieΕ„ Wszystkich ŚwiΔ™tych, przejmujΔ…c niektΓ³re tradycje Samhain. WieczΓ³r przed tym dniem staΕ‚ siΔ™ znany jako All Hallows' Eve, a ostatecznie Halloween. Z biegiem czasu Halloween przeksztaΕ‚ciΕ‚o siΔ™ w Ε›wiΔ™to skupione na spoΕ‚ecznoΕ›ci, charakteryzujΔ…ce siΔ™ takimi aktywnoΕ›ciami jak cukierek albo psikus, rzeΕΊbienie lampionΓ³w z dyni, festiwale i noszenie kostiumΓ³w. DziΕ› Halloween jest obchodzone w wielu krajach na caΕ‚ym Ε›wiecie, Ε‚Δ…czΔ…c sta...

I silk-screen T-shirts now. Video Lesson.

 An extract from the FRIENDS TV series:  “ I silk-screen T-shirts now .  – Really? What’s that like?  – It’s really fulfilling doing something you hate for no money.” Meaning :  “ –  Now I set prints, pictures, inscriptions, and texts onto T-shirts.  – Really? And, do you like your job? What do you feel? – What could be better than getting too little money for a job you dislike?” (Friends, Season 09/Episode 14) πŸ” Silk-screen – a stencil method of applying inscriptions, pictures, or patterns to clothes. πŸ” What’s it like?/ What's that like?  – And how is it? / Please describe it!  This question can be asked to someone doing something unfamiliar to you, with which you personally have no experience and you ask them to describe the activity of the job.  πŸ” For no money (literal meaning is "for free") – an exaggeration implying a meager, beggarly, inadequate, and low salary because if the salary equaled zero, continuing to work would be co...

English in Movies. Stuart Little, 1999

 “I just heard from the Brooklyn cats. Bad news. The Stouts squealed. – I knew those mice were rats.” FROM: (Stuart Little, 1999)  “I have just received the bad news. The Stouts gave away all the secrets. – I knew those mice were informers.” πŸ”Ž To Hear from somebody – to get news or information from someone; to receive/obtain news. πŸ”Ž To Squeal – to squeal, yell, or squeak loudly (if we are talking about an animal), in this case, “squealed” means “to betray, to let slip, to give away secret information.” πŸ”Ž Rat – a rat (an insult for someone who gives out secret information or turns you into the authorities)/ an informer, a squealer,  a snitch. πŸ“š This film has a lot of animal-related vocabulary and funny wordplay that is simply not reflected and almost lost in any translation, making the translated movie more unexciting and bland than the original one.

Our vouchers

We want to inform you that we officially sell vouchers on the "BUY ME A COFFEE" website. The payment transactions are secure and your payment details will not be disclosed. You can pay on the website using ApplePay technology and your banking data is not disclosed. This website can be trusted and Stripe Company is an official provider of payment services. We inform you that we pay all the taxes due to our company and we do not cooperate with companies or countries under sanctions.  Pragniemy poinformowaΔ‡, ΕΌe w serwisie „ BUY ME A COFFEE ” oficjalnie prowadzimy sprzedaΕΌ voucherΓ³w. Transakcje pΕ‚atnicze sΔ… bezpieczne, a szczegΓ³Ε‚y pΕ‚atnoΕ›ci nie zostanΔ… ujawnione. Na stronie moΕΌesz pΕ‚aciΔ‡ za pomocΔ… technologii ApplePay, a Twoje dane bankowe nie sΔ… ujawniane. Tej witrynie moΕΌna zaufaΔ‡, a firma Stripe jest oficjalnym dostawcΔ… usΕ‚ug pΕ‚atniczych. Informujemy, ΕΌe pΕ‚acimy wszystkie podatki naleΕΌne naszej firmie i nie wspΓ³Ε‚pracujemy z firmami ani krajami objΔ™tymi sankcjami. Wir mΓΆchten S...

Summer holidays in Thailand

 It is summertime! Our teacher is currently on holiday in Thailand and he sends all our students and students-to-be warm wishes and will treat us to some exciting videos from this magical country. Of course, you will need to speak English because everyone there speaks English.  While our teacher is relaxing on holiday, we are happy to offer you our attractive packages at BUY ME A COFFEE . Check them out and order. You can book your lessons right now by sending us an e-mail: Please remember that the lessons are held ONLINE.

Groupon offer/ Terms and conditions in PL and EN

  Oferta GROUPON przeznaczona tylko dla nowych klientΓ³w .  Wymagana rezerwacja z min. 24-godz. wyprzedzeniem.  SprawdΕΊ dostΔ™pne terminy i rezerwuj e-mail . ​ Ze wzglΔ™du na duΕΌe zainteresowanie, oferujemy ograniczonΔ… liczbΔ™ lekcji dla uΕΌytkownikΓ³w Groupon. JeΕ›li chcesz rozpoczΔ…Δ‡ lekcje wczeΕ›niej, najpierw dowiedz siΔ™, czy dla uΕΌytkownikΓ³w Groupona sΔ… wolne miejsca lub wybierz innΔ… opcjΔ™. ​ UWAGA!  ​ Voucher Groupon waΕΌny jest wyΕ‚Δ…cznie dla nowych uczniΓ³w, ktΓ³rzy nigdy wczeΕ›niej nie uczyli siΔ™ w naszej szkole.  Na osobΔ™ dozwolony jest tylko jeden groupon . Po wykorzystaniu karnetu Groupon istnieje moΕΌliwoΕ›Δ‡ kontynuowania nauki, ale pΕ‚atnoΕ›ci dokonuje siΔ™ w szkole. JeΕΌeli uczeΕ„ od razu kontynuuje naukΔ™,  otrzyma od naszej szkoΕ‚y dodatkowΔ… zniΕΌkΔ™.   English Version: GROUPON's offer is only for new customers. Reservation required with min. 24-hour in advance. Check available dates and book by emailing libertylangua...

✨ Quit VS Quite VS Quiet. What's the difference?

 ✨ Quit  VS  Quite  VS  Quiet  ✨Quit to leave the job, to stop doing something He quit his job - He resigned from his job. Quit complaining! - Stop complaining!  ✨Quiet Quiet, calm, peaceful I live in a quiet neighborhood - I live in a peaceful/calm neighborhood. ✨Quite Quite, enough, pretty much The flight was quite long - The flight was very long.  ✨Quit + quite + quiet He quit his quite quiet job. - He resigned from his really peaceful job. 

Reading Magazines. July editions. HELLO Magazine

 In our Reading section today: Click on the link or photo, and you will be redirected to our Telegram channel to download the magazine.  You can download the HELLO Magazine HERE

For GROUPON users

In case the user of Groupon doesn't come to the lesson or spreads any false information about the teacher, writes false comments about the school, or starts angry arguments with the teacher or administration,  then the Groupon voucher will be cancelled and the money will not be refunded.  Falls der Groupon-Benutzer nicht zum Unterricht erscheint oder falsche Informationen ΓΌber den Lehrer verbreitet, falsche Kommentare ΓΌber die Schule schreibt oder wΓΌtende Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Lehrer oder der Verwaltung beginnt, wird der Groupon-Gutschein storniert und das Geld nicht zurΓΌckgegeben werden kann.  W przypadku, gdy uΕΌytkownik Groupona nie pojawi siΔ™ na lekcji, rozsieje faΕ‚szywe informacje o nauczycielu, napisze faΕ‚szywe komentarze na temat szkoΕ‚y lub rozpocznie gniewnΔ… kΕ‚Γ³tniΔ™ z nauczycielem lub administracjΔ…, wΓ³wczas kupon Groupon zostanie anulowany, a pieniΔ…dze nie zostanΔ… zwrΓ³cone. Π―ΠΊΡ‰ΠΎ користувач Groupon Π½Π΅ ΠΏΡ€ΠΈΡ…ΠΎΠ΄ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ Π½Π° ΡƒΡ€ΠΎΠΊ Π°Π±ΠΎ ΠΏΠΎΡˆΠΈΡ€ΡŽΡ” Π±ΡƒΠ΄ΡŒ-яку Π½Π΅ΠΏΡ€Π°Π²Π΄ΠΈΠ²Ρƒ Ρ–Π½Ρ„ΠΎΡ€ΠΌΠ°Ρ†...

How to contact us

Dear students, we have only a virtual office in Poland, so if you want to register for the courses, you need to send an e-mail to: . You can contact us only by E-MAIL.

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