“I just heard from the Brooklyn cats. Bad news. The Stouts squealed. – I knew those mice were rats.”
FROM: (Stuart Little, 1999)
“I have just received the bad news. The Stouts gave away all the secrets. – I knew those mice were informers.”
π To Hear from somebody – to get news or information from someone; to receive/obtain news.
π To Squeal – to squeal, yell, or squeak loudly (if we are talking about an animal), in this case, “squealed” means “to betray, to let slip, to give away secret information.”
π Rat – a rat (an insult for someone who gives out secret information or turns you into the authorities)/ an informer, a squealer, a snitch.
π This film has a lot of animal-related vocabulary and funny wordplay that is simply not reflected and almost lost in any translation, making the translated movie more unexciting and bland than the original one.
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